There are five adductor muscles: Pectineus, Adductor Longus, Adductor Brevis, Adductor Magnus and Gracilis; Together these form the bulk of the ‘groin’. These muscles work in tandem to bring the leg inwards from an abducted position (think thigh master). Adductor Brevis is the second smallest of the hip adductors taking its origin from the anterior lower ramus of the pubic bone. Trigger points are often found in this muscle if there is any underlying hip pathology (such as osteoarthritis). The other common source of trigger points can come after a groin strain or sports injury.
Groin injuries comprise 2 to 5 percent of all sports injuries. Early diagnosis and proper treatment are important to prevent these injuries from becoming chronic and potentially career-limiting. Adductor strains and osteitis pubis are the most common musculoskeletal causes of groin pain (in athletes). Most common in athletes that play sports like hockey, ice hockey, fencing, handball, cross court skiing, hurdling & high jump; it may comprise 5-7% of all soccer related injuries (Tucker 1997)[1]. The diagnosis is complicated and may remain unclear in 30% of cases.
There are three grades of groin strain:
Grade 1: Minor tearing of muscle fibers with mild discomfort and mild to no pain while walking.
Grade 2: Moderate (more than 50%) tearing of muscle fibers with swelling, bruising and moderate to severe pain with difficulty walking.
Grade 3: Almost complete to complete rupture of the muscle fibers and tendon with severe pain and inability to walk.
[1] Tucker.Common soccer injuries. Diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation. Sports Med. 1997 Jan;23(1):21-32.
How do you treat trigger these trigger points? We’d be delighted if you want to share your own best practice.