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The Levator Ani forms the basis of the pelvic floor, it is a broad flat muscle. and trigger points within this muscle may be responsible for a host of lumbo-pevic pain syndromes. The origin of the Levator Ani is Ischial spine and the fascia of the obturator internus muscle and it inserts into the Ano-Coccygeal ligament and the coccyx. In terms of pain maps trigger points in the Levator Ani muscle tend to form an oval shaped map centered on the coccyx and internally to Gluteus Maximus folds.


The levatorani consists of the pubococcygeus and the iliococcygeus muscles. Together with the coccygeus muscle, these muscles form the pelvic diaphragm (the muscular floor of the pelvis). Trigger points in the levatorani muscle are often implicated in low back pain, levatoranisyndrome, and a wide range of chronic pelvic pain syndromes. We suggest that if you are going to treat pelvic pain you should also look for trigger points in the adductor muscles of the thigh.

How do you treat trigger these trigger points? We’d be delighted if you want to share your own best practice.

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