The tibialis anterior muscle has a unique pain map, extensively radiating onto the big toe; This pain can sometimes be confused with gout. The tibialis anterior muscle is often associated with painful conditions of the lower leg including "shin splints" and or anterior compartment syndrome. In this syndrome, the enveloping fascia creates a compartment for the muscle which can become rigid and prevent muscle growth and expansion. This can lead to pressure effects and chronic muscle compression, classically leading to inefficiency, trigger points and even periosteal bone damage.
The following are some of the activities and conditions associated with Tibialis Anterior symptoms:
Long drives with foot constantly on the accelerator
Running or walking on uneven ground
Foot drop
Shin splints
Stress fracture
Sitting with with feet tucked under the chair
Muscle often becomes painful after an ankle sprain
How do you treat trigger these trigger points? We’d be delighted if you want to share your own best practice.